
The guest bedroom

A look at the guest bedroom, finished, dressed up and ready for a guest.

The quilt was made by my late Great Aunt.  The solid yellow pillow and yellow roll pillow are made from tea towels.  The painting was given to me by a teacher friend, David Mask.  He painted it on recycled materials from a build at his home.

I replaced the 1970 ugly tile with a plank vinyl product from Home Depot.  It matches the hardwood  laminate in the rest of the house so well you can hardly tell it's different.  And it was really easy to apply.

This is my grandmother's Singer sewing machine.  It still has her things in the drawers.

Did I not say "Ugly 70's floors?"
The rocking chair hubs gave me when we brought home
our eldest child in 1973.  The basket has vintage
toys saved for the grands and that is the fabulous
new vinyl flooring.

The mirror and comb set belonged to my mother in law. The doily
was her mother's and a piece of vintage jewelry from my collection.
Some added crystal closet door knobs
hold on to my monogram.
Hubs put up new crown moulding too.
 Now, bring on the guests.  If you'd like to see more of the whole house do over, click the tab on the menu bar up top or go here.
Check out the parties I like to attend here.