Jeannie is a blogger, cook, crafter, home decorater, DIY Home Renovator, and person in awe of the child developmental mind that loves sharing what she learns and discovers with others.
Grill the Vegies!
I spent most of the weekend working the garden and hub cooked on the grill. He's a big fan of dutch oven cooking so he put a chicken in to roast that was out of this world good. He simply rubbed the chicken with vegetable oil and sprinkled on lemon pepper then placed it on a lettuce bed inside a dutch oven and dropped some chopped celery around it. Once the coals were white hot, he put some on the lid and set the pot over the rest. Rotate the lid about every 30 minutes for 1 1/2 hours. This same recipe works in a crock pot. (P.S. the lettuce in the bottom is to keep the chicken from sticking to the pot.) BTW, resist the temptation to open the lid and look. You lose the heat and increase the cooking time.
Hub then marinated a variety of chopped vegetables in a Zesty Italian dressing. Yellow squash, zuccini, onion, carrot, potatoes, and bell peppers. He put them in a large zip lock bag and poured the dressing in. For about an hour they marinated being turned over each time he walked by. Oil the vegetable grill bed. He cooked them over hot coals for about 20-30 minutes before the chicken was ready. I feel like we feasted! For dessert we ate a sherbet we made in his home made freezer contraption. Check my next post for that. It's amazing.