
Better Butter. Hubby makes stuff too...

Not long ago I was cleaning out the fridge and handed my hubs a jar with what was left in a heavy cream container.  (left over from a recipe) He looked at me strangly and I said, pour it in the jar and shake, shake, shake... till you have butter.  He did.  I went out of town for several weeks to help my mom out and when I came home I found this sitting on top of the fridge.

Cleaver man, made a mini dasher.  It is a recyled plastic peanut butter jar, dowel rod, 2 pieces of wood  and a screw holding the dasher together.  He drilled a hole the size of the dowel in top and now he's all into making home made butters.  Butter with honey, butter with lemon, butter with cinnamon sugar, butter with syrup... you get the idea.  A regular Forest Gump moment.

Flavor your butters once it has thickened and before storing in the fridge by folding in some favorite flavor combo's.  Let your imagination go.  Anything you use to season foods that also get buttered works.

Party link up:
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Clever Chicken Chick