
Copper Breaks State Park, Texas.

The little grands spent a few days with me for Spring Break.  One of the days we drove to Copper Breaks State Park in Hardeman County, Texas.  The drought has reduced the lake size a great deal, but the park was still full of visitors and campers.  There is a rugged beauty in the landscape that will bring to life one of the Louis L’Amour books my dad used to read.  The terrain is deceptively rough with hills, rocks and cedars.  Just beyond the horizon and lake is the Pease River and site where Cynthia Ann Parker was taken as a child by the Comanche's.  Her story is amazing, as is her son Chief Quanah Parker. 

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The day turned out to be quite sunny and warm as we hiked up one of the developed trails to a resting spot with quite a view of the park.  The grands had to spend a little time at a playground before heading home.  I should have snapped a picture of the two exhausted little grands that fell fast asleep in the back of the car before we were barely out of the park!  It was a great day together.