
The obvious answer.

Last night a person (unidentified to protect her humility) text me with this photo and question.  Why did my “made from scratch” biscuits turn out flat instead of fluffy? She explained she used cold butter, cut it in till it was crumbly, didn’t over work it, so what went wrong?    I suggested she test the baking powder for freshness.  All you have to do is put 1/4 teaspoon of the baking powder in 1 Tablespoon of water.  It should bubble and fizz.  Without waiting for her answer I quickly posted on a FB group the question.  “Bakers:  What will make homemade biscuits flat, not fluffy?   Then I got these photo text’s. 
These are the photos and notations.
The set up and experiment.

Then several minutes later she text this…
it barely fizzed at all.
And then this came.
Ready for it?
You can turn the can over! Whoops on that one.
1st step…check expiration.
We both got a laugh out of it and I posted it on FB, then on this blog.
She still likes me.  She said so.

PS If you want to test Baking soda freshness:  put 1/4 teaspoon off soda in a Tablespoon of white vinegar.  It should bubble and fizz.