On a quick walk through a local resale store I found two things I was looking for. A ceiling light fixture for a future project and a white gravy boat. The best part? It was green tag day and the ceiling light fixture was sporting a green tag. My 5.49 find was 1/2 off. That's only half of the best part... because they were having a Presidents Day Sale... I got the gravy boat free! Wha hooo!
Now to make some southern gravy.
After you fry chicken or sausage or pork chops... or what ever meat you like gravy with...
Leave about 2 Tablespoons of the drippins in the skillet. It should still be hot and on the burner medium heat.
Add 2 Tablespoons of flour and start stirring with a whisk and about
1/8 teaspoon of salt and pepper.
It quickly absorbs into the drippings, that's when you stir in
1 2/3 cup milk (give or take a third).
Keep stirring with your whisk until it thickens to the consistency you like best. Pour it into a gravy boat like the one I scored for free! This makes enough for about 6 servings.
My favorite link parties are listed here... especially Knick of Time and Nifty Thrifty Tuesday this week.