
I heart Valentines

heart tree
I like hearts almost as much as decorating for Christmas.  I have a Pinterest board dedicated just to hearts!   Don’t you just feel the love in the air when you see one?  While glancing through the newspaper, the wedding announcements caught my eye.  Beautiful people dressed in beautiful clothes and descriptions of the party give me a nostalgic feeling.
A pair of scissors were near me on the end table so I began framing words within heart shapes.  Using a needle and white thread I connected some hearts in pairs.  A short walk out the back door and a few branches of dried sunflowers in hand, I headed for the paint cans.  White, of course, sprayed on both the branches and inside an old floral vase were done in minutes.  I scooped up some gravel to hold the branches in the place I wanted and draped the paper hearts on the branches.  Because everything in the dining room is white, I added one red heart for a little pop of color.  I really like the dry flower seed heads.  It’s sweet to catch a glimpse of those wedding notices.
wedding announcements
Are you addicted to hearts?
genie sig smoke
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