
DIY Christmas Sock Wreath

Our large family has gathered at our family home on the night before Christmas Eve to play games and socialize all our lives.  The night turns into a huge slumber party when we put the children to bed and the adults fill stockings for our Christmas Eve morning together.  Every year of my life my mother has hung up a Christmas sock for each member of our family to fill.  I don’t mean those felt creations; I mean the kind you wear; a pair of socks with Christmas patterns on them.  After all these years I have a drawer full of them.  There are too many to wear, even every day of December!  This year I determined to make some kind of craft with them. 

I spotted some pipe insulation and was quickly reminded of a Pinterest creation where a pool noodle had been used to make a wreath form.  With that inspiration, I took a wire clothes hanger and the pipe insulation and went to work.
Supplies:  Socks, clothes hanger, pipe insulation, scissors, pliers

Bend and reform a wire clothes hanger into a circle.
Unwind the hanger so the pipe insulation 
can be easily slipped onto the form.
Cut the pipe insulation the length of the hanger, 
leaving the hook exposed and slide it onto the wire.

Snip the toe out of the socks you intend to use
so that they can be slipped over the insulation. 
Push the socks together to make a “bunchy” look. 
If the heel sticks out too much, simply tuck it in. 
It took 6 pair to give the look I wanted. 
Alternate the socks for a pleasing color pattern.

Re-twist the ends back together and you now have a wreath form.  Add a bow and any other decorations you want.  I gave the wreath to my mother this week.  She loved it and as each sibling has come by I get the same happy reaction.
Thanks for stopping by and happy holiday crafting to you!