
Cinnamon applesauce ornaments

One of my favorite holiday smells is cinnamon and apples.  These are the simplest things to make and the smell is so rewarding!

Start with one of those individual serving cups that is 3/4-1 cup of applesauce and start adding cinnamon until you have a nice workable dough -about 4 oz.   I made the first batch with what was left in a big container of apple sauce.  Add slowly and stir gently, there will be a cloud of cinnamon rising up! It will be slightly sticky, so roll the dough out between wax paper to about 1/4" thick.  They shrink very little, so what you see is pretty much what you get.  If it seems a bit too sticky, sprinkle some cinnamon on the surface of the wax paper.  Cut out the shapes you want and place them on a cookie sheet.

 Use a straw to cut out a hole for hanging.  Dry them out in the oven set at 225 F for about 20 minutes.  They will not be completely dry, but you will be able to pick them up and turn them over. If you prefer, you can let them air dry instead if you have a couple of days to spare.   When the area around the hole appears dry (you'll know by the color change) you can string them up on twine or ribbon and hang on the tree, or make a garland, or tie onto packages.  Let your imagination run wild!

The wreaths in our windows are made from fresh Rosemary.  You can see how to make them here.