
Pecan pie and an extra easy pie crust!

This week, while at my mom's, I tried a recipe for pie crust I have never used before.  I'll admit that I often used a store bought pie shell for the ease-never again! I was pleasantly surprised at how easy the recipe came together and how good it tastes.  As a matter of fact, I was so happy with it, I decided to share it with all of you.  It came from an old cowboy cook book mom had.  Real cowboys!  Men that road the trail, branded cows, fixed fences and ate out of a chuck wagon, just like her daddy did.   No cutting in the shortening or waiting for the dough to chill.  Dump all the ingredients in a bowl and stir with a fork, then roll out the crust between wax paper, peel back the wax paper, place the upside down pie pan on the crust, turn it over, peel off the other piece of wax paper.  REALLY!

Pie Crust

Mix together all at once using a fork:
  • 1/2 cup plus 2 Tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 teaspoon vinegar
  • 2 Cups flour
This recipe will make two 9" crusts.  Roll the crust out between wax paper then transfer to a pie pan.

Growing up, we ate a lot pie around our house.  During one after dinner conversation with my grown up siblings we discussed our favorite pie.  I love peach, my sister is a cherry pie addict, the two brothers liked chocolate and pecan.   Dad came in from doing some chores and mom asked him what his favorite pie was.  He LOVED pie.  He thought for a minute or two, cocked his head side ways and said, "I like cold pie... I like hot pie too, though."  I guess this was a testament to mom's pie baking abilities.

This week one of my aunts brought us enough shelled pecans for 2 pies (plus a few to munch on...) from the family farm.  This is the recipe I used and the one my son shared with his wife.  I sure hope she doesn't hold it against me that he thinks I make such a good pie.  She is a pretty darn good cook herself.
I love how easy a pecan pie is to make.  One bowl, measure cup and measure spoons and a pie crust.

Texas Pecan Pie

Measure 1 and 1/2 cups shelled pecan halves into an unbaked pie shell.  Set aside.
In a bowl, mix:
  • 3 eggs, beaten
  • 1 stick melted butter
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla 
  • 1 cup light Karo syrup
  • 1 cup light brown sugar, packed
  • 1/8 teaspoon (a pinch) salt
Pour over pecans in the unbaked pie crust.  Bake on center rack of 375 F oven for one hour.  I like to bake pies on a cookie sheet.  It makes transferring the pie from counter to oven and back again easy plus...any spill over is easy to clean up.  If the pie doesn't jiggle in the middle when you shake the pan slightly, it's done.  Let it completely cool before serving. 
ya'll enjoy!