
Lavender and Pecans

Some days are so blessed I can hardly believe it.  

Baby Grand roaming free through the trees.

Here's a little stash that fell on some bark.
While out for my Autumn weekend playing with the little grands at the family farm, we were privileged to collect pecans from the early Pecan tree.  So, while enjoying Lavender Shortbread, I also will spend time cracking and shelling fresh pecans.  Below are some photo's of my weekend tromping around the Pecan trees and a couple of close ups of the pecans.  Later this week...baking with pecans! (and Lynda...there will be some coming your way as a thank you.)

The green pod is how the pecans look 
before they are ready for harvest.
As they ripen the husk turns brown and cracks open
allowing the pecans to fall out to the ground.

Texas Autumn is usually brown in this area.  We have been blessed with some not so normal Autumn rain that turned things green again.  It was great to enjoy the weather and lawn like fields.  This spot is where we hold our annual family fish fry.
Little Grand just before this grasshopper jumped
and she ran away screeching!

Check back Monday to see how to shell a pecan and 
for a pecan recipe.

Lavender's Blue, dilly dilly...

In the Friday mail came an envelope with Melissa Lavender from a sweet blogger named Lynda at Bloom Bake Create.  She wrote a blog about making Lavender Shortbread Cookies and offered to send some lucky readers enough to make her cookies.  I was very intrigued as I have never seen lavender sold for culinary use...actually here in Texas I have rarely seen it sold anywhere, so I quickly responded to her for the lavender give away.  I'm telling you-the aroma when opening the envelope was H.E.A.V.E.N.L.Y (Little Grand spells everything when she is trying to really get her point across in larger than life words).

Lynda also sent a lavender sachet she made for scenting a hot soaking bath or to place under the pillow for a restful sleep.  I hung my little bag on the bed finial because it's so cute. Thanks Lynda, it has been a real treat!

My weekend was already committed so I could hardly wait for my return home to make Lynda's cookies.  Making these cookies was wonderful  They gave the house a smell I'm sure I will remember in my dreams for years; the way you close your eyes at Christmas and let the smells take you back to special moments like sitting around your Grandmother's table with all the family.  Even if the cookies hadn't come out so wonderful, the smell would be worth the effort of cooking them!  Be sure to check out Her site for all kinds of cool stuff.

Make Lynda's cookie recipe or any short bread/rolled sugar cookie recipe.  Add 2 Tablespoons of Melissa Lavender that is ground with 2 Tablespoon of sugar and if you like pecans, add 1/2 Cup finely chopped pecans.

Thanks for stopping by.