
I know it's not a balanced lunch

but's okay to eat just watermelon for lunch.

  • it's okay that I hate coupons...I don't get why they don't just make the products cheaper.
  • it's okay that I hate shopping for groceries, dang that lady in front of me with all those coupons!
  • it's okay that I'm not a size 4.  Okay, not really.  I hate being a large woman.
  • it's okay to look forward to the first freeze of the season... Let me hear a "God bless you" for sneezing...again and....again...
  • it's okay I paid way too much for a moisturizing face cream...something besides PicMonkey  or photoshop HAS to make me look smoother and younger .

It's even okay 

  • that I laughed in a cemetery at this tombstone epitaph...

It's Okay Thursday - Brunch With Amber