
Halloween Wreath

made completely of recycled and re-purposed items

Stay at home, save a few bucks, go a little green!  You can make a wreath for the holiday from items you already have!  

A recycled wreath form can be Styrofoam, hay, grapevine, or a photo frame.  Mine was a well used Styrofoam form that made it easy to pin the other items in place.  Use plastic grocery bags to wrap the wreath...mummy fashion!

Speaking of pins; you can use pieces of left over craft wire and pliers to form your own U shaped florist pins.
Make a little mummy form using clothes hanger wire or left over craft wire.
Cut more plastic grocery bags into strips (about 1" wide)
A fat little wad works great as head stuffing.
Then start wrapping the body...mummy style.
Wrap, twist and tie till he looks done.  
Slip in a couple of  left over goggle y eyes 
or make eyes: cut circles from a heavy piece of paper and color in the center.
Create a little broken down fence section using
Popsicle sticks and left over craft wire.
Start building the wreath.
Attach the little fence to the back using your homemade florist pins.
Attach sock rosettes to the front.
Attach the mummy.
Add some vines or twigs from your yard.  Mine included pretty vine berries!
Use left over ribbon, a fabric strip or yarn to tie on a hanger.
Hang it up!
Mine is on the patio door where I enjoy it as I sip coffee, read or just watch the leaves fall.
Thanks so much for visiting!
Halloween Link Party
Beyond the Picket Fence
Thursday's Temptations @ Two Yellow Birds
Happy Hour Projects