
Orange Gum Drop Bars

Many years ago I lived next to a very sweet old lady known as "Homer's wife" who brought me these wonderful bar cookies.  She also gave me the recipe.  It is written in red pen on a long piece of cardboard in her own hand writing.  I enjoy pulling it out during the fall, the orange candies are fall festive and my daughter loves orange slices.

Orange Gum Drop Bars

3 eggs, beaten
2 cups packed brown sugar
1/4 cup condensed milk (use that extra ounce in the icing)
2 cups flour
pinch of salt
1 Tablespoon orange extract
1 cup orange slice candy, chopped (hint: dip knife in flour before cutting and shake cut slices in a little flour to limit clumping)
1/2 cup nuts

Mix together in order given.  Spread in greased/floured pan.  Bake 35 minutes.  Ice while still warm.  Add some orange candy slices for decoration.

1 cup powdered sugar
3 Tablespoons melted butter
1 teaspoon orange extract
enough milk to make icing easy to spread

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