
It's okay

Its Ok Thursdays

Not everything has to be politically correct or perfect.

So this week I forgive myself and say, It's okay!
  • It's okay to eat chocolate pie for breakfast.
  • It's okay to skip the dusting day to walk around an antique/retro/craft mall.
  • It's okay to throw out the biscuits before anybody finds out they were flat and hard.
  • It's okay to put your garbage bins next to the neighbors across the alley so the truck that already picked up your side will pick them up on his way back for the other side because you were sleeping in and didn't put out the bins last night.
  • It's okay to hide the dirty towels in a closet when showing the recently updated bathroom to a friend.
  • It's okay to stand in front of the bathroom scales and refuse to get on and tell it "you do not have power over me!"
  • It's okay to have  writer's block day with no post.
  • It's okay to see a stack of coupons by the cash register at MooYah burgers and ask if it's okay to use it on today's meal.
  • It's okay to sing in the car as loud and off key as you want.
  • It's okay to be me and not Julia Roberts.

Thanks for stopping by and give yourself permission to say "It's Okay!"