
1929 Cook Book

I love cook books, don't you?  I buy them because they entice me, for wedding gifts, for "luv you" gifts and for no reason at all!  I haven't counted them, but there are more than two very large plastic bins full.  I know this because we have been preparing our house for market, packing up the clutter.  Clutter.  That is practically an insult to my beloved cook books! [scowl]

I brought one bin full in to my mom's a couple of weeks ago to allow my sister and our girls to look through them.  We all share a love for cook books. [satisfied smile]  This particular bin held two of my favorites.  The first is a Better Homes & Garden Cook book I received from my dear Aunt for a wedding gift in 1970.  It is tattered and torn and scribbled in from use.  The first page I have written a note to my oldest grand daughter.  She asked to have it when I part from it or from this earth.  On page 148 is a sugar cookie recipe.  The note beside it says 7/8/2006 tea party with Grandad and the invitation we made together for her to present to him is there. [nostalgic sigh].

The second book is one my mother in law gave me.  It is a Good House Keeping book that was not sold, but given as promotions with magazine subscriptions.  It is a 1928 8th edition.  I brought these two books back home with me.  I couldn't bear to put them in storage, so I plan to pass them to my BG Grand and my daughter the very next time they come over.  [happy dance]

Some 1929 Recipes
Apple Fritters
2 medium-sized sour apples
Batter mixture
Powdered sugar
Pare, core and cut apples in eighths.  Cut in slices and add to batter.  Drop by spoonfuls and fry in deep fat. Then roll in powdered sugar.  (I added a little cinnamon and cut the apple in tiny chunks.  The larger pieces were a bit too crisp in the final product)
Banana Fritters
4 bananas
2 teaspoonfuls lemon juice
Powdered sugar
Batter mixture
Peel, scrape and cut bananas in halves, lengthwise, Then  cut in two pieces, crosswise.  Sprinkle with powdered sugar and lemon juice.  Let stand thirty minutes.  Drain, dip in batter, and fry in deep fat.
1 cupful flour
1 1/2 teaspoonfuls baking powder
3 tablespoonfuls powdered sugar
1/4 teaspoonful salt
1/3 cupful milk
1 egg
Mix and sift dry ingredients.  Combine milk and egg well beaten and add to dry ingredients, while eating constantly.