
A Texas welcome party

I have a large extended family that loves to get together.  Last night one of my cousins hosted a pre-wedding party for her niece and fiance.  He is from France and speaks limited English.  He and several of his family and friends were treated to a "Texas" welcome party at a roping arena.  Now, this arena is a very nice indoor facility with a lot of amenities.  There were calf roping lessons, horse riding lessons, karaoke, Texas BBQ, roasted corn, baked beans, cobblers, cake and home made ice cream.  My cousin cooked the food...the girl knows how to cook!

I'm disappointed I don't have more photo's to share, my Sony Cybershot is wearing out and most of the photo's are way to blurry to share.  I headed to Best Buy to get a new and much nicer camera today.  Here are a few that are still a bit blurry, but fun.