
The best bits

The weather was wonderful, caught up on rest, made big strides remodeling guest bath, home cooking by hubs, created a great peach pocket pie and marked off a few more days toward retirement - this coming Friday!  The best bit of this weekend is the joy of being alive to experience it.
Opened the blinds to a glorious morning.

Worked on the one year project.
Created a peach pocket pie out of pantry items (+ a tube of refrigerated croissants)
 Peach Pocket Pie
  • 1/2 can peach pie filling
  • 1 tube refrigerated croissants
  • 1 package artificial sweetener
  • sprinkling of cinnamon
  • powdered sugar icing
Pre heat oven 350 F 
Spray a cookie sheet with cooking spray.
Separate the croissant triangles.  Mash them out a bit -about 5" at the widest part of the triangle.
Spoon on 4 or 5 peach slices along with  little of the filling from the can onto 4 of the dough triangles.  Careful to leave a 1/2" border free of filling.
Lay another dough triangle over and crimp the edges with your fingers.
Sprinkle a little cinnamon over the tops.
Sprinkle a little artificial sweetener (or real sugar) over the tops.
Bake 15 minutes. 
Make a 1/4 cup of icing with 1/2 C powdered sugar and a tablespoon or two of water.
We like to eat them hot, so I added a little powdered sugar drizzle and sat down with hubs to savor the deliciousness together.

The left over peach pie filling will be great on pancakes at breakfast tomorrow...