
Memorial Day

A beautiful Memorial Day here deep in the heart of Texas.  A few scattered clouds dotted the sky and a good breeze kept us cooled off in this 92 F. heat.  My drive around town lent itself to hearing laughing children as they played on bikes and ran through sprinklers.  Barbecue grills scented the air like perfume and the voices of the older crowd enjoying each others company made my heart warm.

I spent a little while looking at old photo's of my Dad while he was in the Navy during WWII and remembered the stories told by him and my Uncle.  I lingered at the youthful face of a man gone now and thought about those boys and men who have died in service to our country.  It's what the day was meant to do.  Honor.

National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific - It is in this cemetery that the remains of the first casualties on the attack of Pearl Harbor were interred. The Honolulu Memorial on the north west end was constructed to honor the service, achievements, and sacrifices of the men and women who served in the Pacific during World War II, the Korean Conflict and the Vietnam War. Dad & Mom read the names of some of Dad's friends who died here. He wept.