
Gardening with loved ones

72 degrees and clear blue skies.  The storms that racked the North Texas area earlier this week are gone and have left the garden growing in happiness from the rain.  There's a heavenly odor coming from the roses where I sat and removed the undesirable weeds.  I stopped and enjoyed them and reminisced about the special mother's day my husband and children gave me a rose garden.  The vining native Texas rose almost covers the entire side fence with thumb nail size deep red blossoms.  This plant is one I acquired from a native garden in Wichita Falls while my mother had knee replacement surgery.  Mother loves roses too.

Hubs just finished mowing the grass and it too left a pleasant smell.

I cut a big bouquet of iris's; the bulk of which are transplanted from my Grandmother Rose's garden.  She's been gone a long time but each spring I see her in the iris garden.  Mixed in with the iris are day lillies getting ready to bloom that my Aunt Wynell gave me from her garden.  She too is gone, but she also visits me amongst these blooms.

The moon flower isn't blooming yet, but it grew at least a foot this week.  The giant white bell shaped blooms usually appear on a mid summer's night!  They remind me of fairies and nymphs I dreamed about as a girl dancing about underneath them.  This plant plus the rosemary made their place in my garden from my cousin's home close to Austin, Texas.

I'm a little saddened at the prospect of leaving my garden that has slowly developed into a lovely place full of memories but am excited about the prospects ahead of me when we relocate closer to our youngest grandchildren.  They can help me build a new garden full of new memories. And...yes, I will take some of these plants with me.