

I like to collect stuff like a lot of people.  My taste and need to keep the collections come and go but there are a few things I hold on to...just because.  I sometimes forget about the thing(s) I didn't let go of when suddenly... there it is... bringing back a pleasant memory.  This morning I was thinking about what to use for the "bottle" challenge for photography when the little sand filled bottle my sweet daughter brought me from her Florida beach vacation came to mind.  She bought a tiny bottle and collected the sugary white sand herself.  I've never been to Florida, but I totally get it when she talks about the sand and it's beauty.

I photographed the bottle in front of a rock I collected from the Family Farm several years ago.  The rock sat beside the rutted dirt road down to the pecan tree orchard. Each trip down that hill I admired it.  After my grandmother passed away and then my uncle who had stayed on there passed away... and on a very nostalgic day... I stopped my car and looked at that rock for a long time.  I got out of my car, picked it up and brought it to my garden where it sits and reminds me of that place and the people associated with it.