
Time with your kids-how to

Time is like a rain drop falling into a bucket of water.  It hits, it ripples, it fans out and disappears.

How to spend quality time with your kids

  • Set your goal to be a major influence in your child's life.
  • Make the time with your child a priority.
  • Set regular dates and do not allow anything to "trump" it.
  • Don't discuss "work" stuff when you are spending time with your child.
  • Do not talk on your cell phone.
  • Let your child pick the place and the people for your date.
  • While in the car on the date, turn off the radio.
  • Oh, and though attending their events is not a date unless they choose it as a date - attend their events. You remember how important it made you feel? It does the same thing for them.
Don't waste those early years with your kids - they'll be grown and gone before you know it.
When they are adults, they still want quality time from you.  Keep doing it.  You'll be gone before they know it.

4 generations

Here is an excellent blog on the same subject: