
Saturday Tuna Salad

Tuna salad sandwiches are on the menu today with a little something special.  Almost everyone can throw one together in a couple of minutes making this a quick and easy lunch that is diet friendly. 

Saturday Tuna Salad 
Here is the base plus the options:
  • 1 large (6.4 oz) water pack Tuna.  I prefer Starkist brand in the pouches.
  • 1/4 C Mayo w/olive oil 
  • 1 or 2 Tbs sweet pickle relish
  • 1 tsp lemon juice.
  • 1 boiled egg, chopped
  • salt & pepper
  • apple slices
  • green onion tops

Today I added onion tops snipped from my regrowing green onions in the window, chopped boiled egg from the weekly pre boiled stash in the fridge, and thinly sliced Golden Delicious apple (sprinkle a little salt on the apple slices) on a whole wheat Bolillios bun from the grocery bakery.  Serve with some pretzels and iced tea. Turned out good enough to share with you!

Pick & choose extras...
chopped green onion tops, finely chopped celery, chopped bell peppers, dill pickles instead of relish, chopped boiled egg, finely chopped pecans, chopped apple, dried cranberry or craisons, raisins, chopped grapes.  I used mayo/olive oil with sweet pickle relish today, but I love to use a thick creamy Italian or Thousand Island salad dressing too.

I'm sure you have your favorite combo -what is it?

1 kind act:  Because it's Saturday and I have extra time, I'm purging my closet and taking some clothes to CCA.  They benefit those in our community who need a little extra help.